Accounting Information Systems delivers the most unprecedented coverage of each major approach to teaching AIS, giving instructors the opportunity to reorder chapters and focus the material to suit their individual course needs. The 15th Edition, Global Edition covers all of the most recent updates in AIS, including how developments in IT affect business processes and controls, the effect of re…
Horngren’s Cost Accounting spells out the cost accounting market and continues to innovate by consistently integrating the most current practice and theory into the text. This acclaimed, market-leading text emphasises the basic theme of “different costs for different purposes,” and reaches beyond cost accounting procedures to consider concepts, analyses, and management. The 17th Edition i…
brief contents: business combination; stock investment-investor accounting and reporting; an introduction to consolidated financial statement; consolidation techniques and procedures; intercompany profit transactions-inventories, plant assets, bonds; etc
Accounting in Action The Recording Process Adjusting the Accounts Completing te Accounting Cycle Accounting for Merchandising Operations Financial Statement Analysis
the content of this book include: accounting, analyzing business transaction, analyzing business transaction using T accounts, the general journal and the general ledger, adjustment and the worksheet, etc
Scope and environment of financial management, valution and the management of long term investment, financial structure and dividend policy decisions
Mempelajari Akuntansi Intermediate
Buku ini berisi pokok-pokok pengoperasian DacEasy Accounting for Windows dan disertai dengan simulasi penerapan pada suatu perusahaan (dagang) hipotesis.
Buku ini berisi pokok-pokok pengoperasian DacEasy Accounting for Windows dan disertai dengan simulasi penerapan pada suatu perusahaan (dagang) hipotesis.
This IFRS Third Edition expands our emphasis on student learning and improves upon a teaching and learning package that instructors and students have rated the highest in customer satisfactio. Based on extensive reviews,focus group,and interactoins with other intermediate accounting instructors and students,we have developed a number of new pedagogical features and content changes,designed both…
Financial Reporting until Presentation and Disclusure in Financial Repoting 1250
buku ini mencangkup pembahasan tentang: unit pemerintah dana-dana umum; unit pemerintahan dana-dana khusus; organisasi-organisasi jasa non laba; dll
the contents of this book include: introduction to business combinations and the conceptual framework; accounting for business combination; consolidated financial statements-date of acquisition; etc
Buku yang sederhana ini menyajikan tentang cara pengidentifikasian transaksi, proses pencatatan transaksi (penjurnalan), pengklasifikasian, pengikhtisaran dan penyusunan Laporan Keuangan, baik untuk perushaan JASA, DAGANG maupun INDUSTRI.
the contents of this book include: accounting in action; the recording process; adjusting the accounts; completion of the accounting cycle; accounting for merchandising operations; inventories; accounting information system; etc
Introduction to Accounting and Business Analyzing Transactions The Matching Concept and the Adjusting Process Current Liabilities Statement of Cash Flows Catpital Investment Analysis
konsep dasar & prinsip, laporan keuangan, proses akuntansi, tahap akhir akutansi, kas, investasi jangka pendek, piutang.
Buku ini memuat pertanyaan dan soal di setiap akhir bab agar dapat digunakan sebagai latihan bagi mahasiswa. dengan begitu akan meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap materi dan menjadi lebih baik.
Buku ini berisikan tentang: pengenalan pernyataan finansial; melihat lebih jauh pada pernyataan finansial; sistem informasi akuntansi; konsep akuntansi akrual; dll.
the contents of this book include: accounting in action; the recording process; adjusting the accounts; completing the accounting cycle; accounting for merchandising operations; etc
The latest and up-to-date indonesia's accounting standards have been accomodated with this book, together with taxation law, business regulations and the newest corporation law.
Buku ini merupakan buku pengantar manajemen akuntansi yang berisi tentang akuntansi manajerial,Pembiayan,Penganggaran,dan analisa keuangan.